Film Synopsis

A satirical experimental film. The filmmaker, alongside his colleague The Camera, is determined to make this film the most artistic film this screening's audience has ever seen.
Ethan Ward (Director)

This film was made as part of the module LICA359: Experimental Cinema: Theory and Practice.

Artist Statement

“ - ” – The Camera
“This is art.” – Ethan Ward

✿ Festivals selections:
1. Lancaster International Film Festival (Selected)
2. London Cinematic Horizons (Selected)
3. Bay International Film Festival (Semi-Finalist)

Ethan Ward – An artist.

The Camera – Shoot better with the α6000: superb 24-MP quality, quick autofocus — and very portable. Add an OLED Tru-Finder™, manual controls and a range of lenses for a superior alternative to bulky DSLRs.

Crew & Cast 

Ethan Ward
Ethan Hannant
Devon Ward
CJ Ward


A film by Ethan Ward
The Camera – The Camera
Ethan Hannant – Production Assistant
Antonia Arbova– Production Assistant
Jay Gomes – Camera Assistant/”Woman”
CJ Ward – Original Music
Devon Ward – Original Art – Additional Music

Check out my other work!

Ethan Ward